Beer baron calls for right-to-work law, tax reform in Pennsylvania
By ASHE SCHOW | 08/29/13 04:55 PM
Want more beer? Of course you do! Well, it would be a lot easier to party if unions and taxes weren't getting in the way.
Report: 40,000 public school teachers seeking 'sugar daddies'
By SEAN HIGGINS | 08/29/13 03:40 PM
How slow is the economic recovery? How hard-pressed are local school board budgets? Well, a website for young women seeking wealthy older men to shower them with gifts ? i.e., ?sugar daddies? ? is reporting that...
Kathleen Sebelius extends Medicare Advantage to same-sex couples
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/29/13 03:00 PM
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that same-sex couples will have access to Medicare Advantage, a policy change made in light of the Supreme Court?s invalidation of the Defense of Marriage...
GOP Senator: White House using duct tape and chicken wire to make Obamacare fly
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/29/13 01:50 PM
Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., explained on Fox News Wednesday night that the Obama administration was frantically trying to make Obamacare work in time for the deadline on October 1. ?The White House truly, they?re...
AFL-CIO?s Trumka: Detroit?s bankruptcy no reason to cut pensions
By SEAN HIGGINS | 08/29/13 01:45 PM
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Thursday reiterated his opposition to cutting Detroit city worker?s pensions despite the fact that the city was forced into bankruptcy.
Chris Christie: I ?kicked the president?s ass? in football
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/29/13 01:40 PM
On his ?Ask the Governor? radio show on Wednesday, Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., recalled the time he beat President Obama in a football carnival game during Obama?s visit to the Jersey Shore in May.
Democrats, labor unions clash over coal in Washington state
By ASHE SCHOW | 08/29/13 12:40 PM
Another feud between environmentalists and labor unions has caught up with Democrats in Washington state.
Finding racism where it?s not as blatant, and inventing it where it?s not present
By TIMOTHY P. CARNEY | 08/29/13 11:50 AM
Falsely crying racism for political gain is a good way to make some people believe racism doesn?t exist any more. I said that on Twitter this morning and was treated to a barrage of inanity from liberal writers like...
Pentagon transfers two Guantanamo Bay detainees to Algeria
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/29/13 10:55 AM
Two men detained at Guantanamo Bay are being transferred to an Algerian prison, the Defense Department announced, in furtherance of President Obama?s desire to close the facility entirely.
Obama?s war on higher education innovation
By CONN CARROLL | 08/29/13 10:35 AM
BuzzFeed?s Matthew Zeitlin and Ben Smith have a great deep dive on the Obama administration?s crusade against the for-profit education industry, specifically its fight to force a successful online community college...
Obama?s Affordable Care Act looking a bit unaffordable
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/29/13 09:35 AM
Do you make over $20,000 a year? Get ready to pay more money for your health insurance. According to a detailed analysis by the National Journal, Obamacare is looking more unaffordable than ever.
Morning Examiner: Will Obama illegally bomb Syria?
By CONN CARROLL | 08/29/13 08:30 AM
Prime Minister David Cameron said Britain will wait for both a United Nations weapons inspection, and a vote in parliament before he commits British armed forces to war in Syria. But President Obama is signaling he has no...
Marco Rubio warns Obama: ?Military action, taken simply to save face, is not a wise use of force?
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/29/13 07:45 AM
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., criticized President Obama on Wednesday for failing to act soon enough in Syria, suggesting that it might be too late to influence the conflict in America?s interest.
Latest result of global warming: cooler temperatures
By MICHAEL BARONE | 08/28/13 09:15 PM
It?s the coolest summer in a century, or at least the government is reporting the fewest number of 100 degree days at U.S. HCN (Historical Climatology Network) stations. Yet I?m sure that somewhere someone is arguing...
Bobby Jindal: Obama?s DOJ using civil rights law against black children
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/28/13 05:15 PM
?It?s incredible to me that the Justice Department is trying to use the same rules that were designed to protect kids ? low-income, minority kids, [rules] designed to help them go and get a better education ? are...
Sen. Tim Scott wasn?t invited to event commemorating MLK march on Washington
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/28/13 03:35 PM
Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the only black person serving in the United States Senate, wasn?t invited to the event commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King?s March on Washington, though a host of...
Full Audio: Sen. Ted Cruz talks to Rush Limbaugh about the fight to defund Obamacare
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/28/13 02:40 PM
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, went on Rush Limbaugh?s radio talk show today to discuss the effort to defund Obamacare. Cruz explained that he was frustrated by the effort led by some Republicans to discredit the idea,...
Israelis brace for possible attack by Syria
By PHILIP KLEIN | 08/28/13 02:20 PM
TEL AVIV ? Omri Azarzar, 27, stood outside a post office in the southern part of the city here on Tuesday afternoon where the Israeli government was distributing gas masks to residents amid increasing fears Israel could...
Rand Paul: ?Syria has no clear national security connection? to the US
By ASHE SCHOW | 08/28/13 02:05 PM
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., responded to reports that the Obama administration is considering military action in Syria by saying ?the war in Syria has no clear national security connection to the United States.?
Jamie Foxx: Join me and Jay-Z, Will Smith, and Kanye to fight for civil rights
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/28/13 01:50 PM
Actor Jamie Foxx called for young entertainers to join him to promote Martin Luther King?s dream for equality and justice in America during a speech at an event promoting the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington....
Market soars, employment & wages stagnant: Dems hope for trickle-down Obamanomics
By TIMOTHY P. CARNEY | 08/28/13 01:45 PM
?Trickle down from the stock market and artificially low interest rates are the only drivers of the economy,? writes Ed Rogers at the Washington Post.
John McCain on Syria strikes: If it?s not regime change, what is it?
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/28/13 01:25 PM
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., suggested that President Obama has no choice but order strikes that would take down Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad?s regime, given his 2011 statement that ?Assad must step aside.?...
Al Sharpton: Obama is 'the new Kennedy because of Dr. King'
By ASHE SCHOW | 08/28/13 01:00 PM
Rev. Al Sharpton's love for President Obama was on full display Wednesday, when he said on MSNBC that he told Obama that he "is the new [President] Kennedy because of Dr. [Martin Luther] King."
Chris Matthews: Ted Cruz and Tom Coburn hate Obama because he?s black
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/28/13 12:15 PM
Chris Matthews marked the 50th anniversary of the speech of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington today by suggesting that Republicans were racist for blocking President Obama?s agenda. ?You?ve...
Ted Cruz: Dr. King believed in the American Dream, and he believed in America
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/28/13 11:45 AM
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released an essay on Wednesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington. ?Dr. King believed in the American Dream, and he...
Snoop Lion dreams of ?no guns allowed? on the streets
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/28/13 10:40 AM
NBC featured YouTube clips from celebrities, politicians and entrepreneurs, sharing their ?dream? for America as part of recognizing the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington on Wednesday.
Only 58 percent of uninsured plan to use Obamacare
By CONN CARROLL | 08/28/13 09:35 AM
Obamacare will spend almost $1.8 trillion over the next 10 years providing health insurance to more Americans, but, according to a new Kaiser Health Tracking poll, only 58 percent of those currently uninsured plan to...
Rand Paul: We?re not the party that wants to give you another cellphone
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/28/13 08:45 AM
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. explained on the Mark Levin show that the Republican party was about maintaining freedom and opportunity in the country, not just giving poor people tangible goods.
Morning Examiner: Ted Cruz walks fine line on Syria
By CONN CARROLL | 08/28/13 08:10 AM
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, appeared to reject President Obama?s impending missile strike on Syria Monday, but also left open the door for possibly supporting some type of United States intervention in the conflict.
Are cable news ratings a harbinger of voter turnout?
By MICHAEL BARONE | 08/28/13 12:50 AM
Evidently MSNBC?s ratings have been plummeting this year, and not just because it?s August; the comparisons are with similar months last year. August 2013 ratings were 28% below those for August 2012.
California: Straight-A high school student not ready for college
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/27/13 04:45 PM
Hard work, a good attitude, and a desire to learn won?t help a student succeed academically if the local high school regards minimal performance as excellent, as one California student discovered upon arriving at the...
Obamacare unlikely to operate during a government shutdown
By ASHE SCHOW | 08/27/13 04:05 PM
Despite the Congressional Research Service?s insistence that Obamacare would continue to be implemented even if Republicans succeeded in their defunding effort, the claim seems unlikely.
Scott Walker: Don?t shut down government over Obamacare
By BYRON YORK | 08/27/13 03:05 PM
Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker, a possible 2016 GOP presidential contender, warned that "Republicans like me want less government, want limited government, but we want government that works, and I don?t think...
They?re ?public servants,? not ?public masters?
By ASHE SCHOW | 08/27/13 02:00 PM
Public officials are afforded many privileges over ordinary citizens, which essentially puts them in a different class than those they are meant to serve, said Glenn Harlan Reynolds, law professor at the University of...
Rasmussen poll: 42 percent of GOP voters think defunding Obamacare will help the party
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/27/13 02:00 PM
A new Rasmussen poll shows that 42% of likely Republican voters think that threatening to vote against a government funding bill unless it cuts off funds for the health care law will help the GOP.
Court: First Amendment protections don?t allow unions to engage in nuisance lawsuits
By SEAN HIGGINS | 08/27/13 01:30 PM
Here?s a case worth keeping an eye on: the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that a union?s First Amendment rights do not allow it to engage in a pattern of legal harassment against a non-union business....
Unions plan national fast-food walkout Thursday
By SEAN HIGGINS | 08/27/13 01:10 PM
You might want to stock up on McNuggets now: The Service Employees International Union and the United Food and Commercial Workers are targeting the McDonald?s, Wendy?s and KFC chains, among others, in a planned...
Obama?s creeping amnesty plan
By CONN CARROLL | 08/27/13 11:05 AM
As President Obama?s top second term legislative priority, citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States, slowly dies from lack of momentum in Congress, Obama is expanding his...
Obama admits he ?teared up? while watching Oprah in 'The Butler'
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/27/13 10:15 AM
President Obama admitted that he ?teared up? during his private screening of The Butler ? a film starring Oprah Winfrey, Forrest Whitakerand Cuba Gooding Jr. Obama made his comments during an interview with with...
Obama: Martin Luther King Jr. would have liked Obamacare
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/27/13 09:55 AM
President Obama signaled in an exclusive interview with radio hosts Tom Joyner and Sybil Wilkes that Martin Luther King Jr. would have liked his health care plan for Americans. Obama spoke to the pair in the Oval Office...
Keith Olbermann praises Chris Christie during ESPN2 debut
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/27/13 09:35 AM
Jamie Weinstein caught this clip of Keith Olbermann praising Gov. Chris Christie during his ESPN 2 debut of his new sports themed talk show. Olberman noted with approval that Christie called a reporter...
Ted Cruz on Syria: US military doesn?t exist to be a policeman for the world
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/27/13 08:25 AM
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, criticized President Obama?s foreign policy on Fox News Monday night, asserting that the United States, under President Obama, has grown weaker.
Answering Chris Christie jab, Bobby Jindal stands by GOP ?stupid party? critique, takes shots of his own
By BYRON YORK | 08/27/13 08:05 AM
GREENVILLE, S.C. ? Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says he was right to call Republicans the ?stupid party,? no matter what fellow GOP governor and possible 2016 presidential rival Chris Christie says about it.
Morning Examiner: The debt limit and government shutdown fights are now the same
By CONN CARROLL | 08/27/13 08:05 AM
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew sent a letter to Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Monday informing him that the Treasury Department has exhausted available ?extraordinary measures? to fund federal government spending...
Obama meets with MSNBC?s Al Sharpton, black pastors about Obamacare enrollment
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/26/13 05:25 PM
President Obama met with MSNBC host Al Sharpton and an array of African American pastors today, urging them to convince black Americans to enroll in Obamacare exchanges when they come online. ?[H]e also discussed the...
Wife of pastor jailed in Iran faults Obama: MLK would have spoken up
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/26/13 04:45 PM
An Iranian court rejected an American pastor?s request for an early release from prison, prompting his wife to fault President Obama for failing to intervene personally on his behalf.
Women?s Equality Day
By ASHE SCHOW | 08/26/13 03:30 PM
President Obama signed a proclamation Monday declaring August 26 to be ?Women?s Equality Day.? A nice gesture, but Obama, in addition to patting himself on the back for signing meaningless or detrimental laws...
12 questions CNN?s Candy Crowley asked Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday
By CHARLIE SPIERING | 08/26/13 02:55 PM
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was on CNN?s State of the Union on Sunday with host Candy Crowley. Here are the twelve questions Crowley asked the freshman senator from Texas. I have to get this birth certificate off the...
Justice Department: Bobby Jindal?s student vouchers are racist
By JOEL GEHRKE | 08/26/13 01:05 PM
President Obama?s Justice Department asked a federal judge to halt a program that gives vouchers to poor students, arguing that the use of vouchers ?impeded the desegregation process? of failing Louisiana schools.
The Great Healthcare Cashout: At least 30 Obamacare authors on K Street
By TIMOTHY P. CARNEY | 08/26/13 12:50 PM
If you want to understand the perverse incentives that exist on Capitol Hill, check out the Great Healthcare Cashout ? the dozens of congressional staffers, lawmakers, and executive-branch officials who shaped President...
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