Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Effective Communication In Relationships ? How To Attract Men ...

Effective Communication In Relationships ? H?w T? Attract Men

I know ????ve heard ?t ?? ?ft?n th?t ?t probably sounds l?k? a cliche, b?t effective communication ?n relationships ?? th? number 1 way t? m?k? sure th?t ???r g??d relationship stays g??d.Th?? ?? h?w ??? learn h?w t? attract men b? learning h?w t? communicate properly.

It?s n?t ???t ?b??t being ?bl? t? talk ?b??t ???r problems, ?t?s ?l?? ?b??t being ?bl? t? share ???r hopes, dreams ?nd goals ?nd letting th? ?th?r person know h?w much ??? care. Even broken relationships ??n b? repaired ?f ??? ??n communicate well. Learn th? ways t? g?t ???r ex back ?nd ??? th??? skills.

It never ceases t? amaze m? wh?n people ?r? ?n th? phone w?th th??r spouse h?w th???ll ?nd th? conversation w?th a casual ?l??? ??? t???. I?m n?t saying th?t?s b?d, b?t I ?m saying th?t th?? ?habit? ?? ???t one example ?f h?w w? th?nk th?t w??re telling ??r partner h?w w? feel wh?n w??re really n?t.

It?s way too easy to say what you?re expected to say with no real meaning behind the words. We all do it. That is at the basis for poor communication skills in a relationship. If I asked one hundred people if they talk to their spouse as openly and candidly as they do their best friend, I?ll bet around 90 of them would say ?no?.


Th?t?s b?????? many ?f ?? ???t hold ??r tongue b?????? w? don?t want t? rock th? boat. If things ?r? going well ??? don?t want t? bring up uncomfortable subjects ?nd r??n th? g??d mood. And ?f things ?r? going b?d ????ve g?t enough t? deal w?th without bringing up more issues. S? th? ?b?d? things never g?t talked ?b??t.

Or ?t l???t th?? never g?t talked ?b??t until ????re really ?ngr? ?t ???r spouse ?nd th?n ?t ?ll comes out l?k? a tsunami ?nd ???r spouse ?? l?k?l? feeling a l?ttl? blindsided. I th?nk w??ve ?ll b??n guilty ?f doing th?t ?t one time ?r another.

It?s ?m??rt?nt f?r th? two ?f ??? t? b? ?bl? t? talk t? each ?th?r ?n a safe environment. Y??r partner h?? t? know th?t ?f th?? want t? talk ?b??t something th?t ????re n?t going t? ?attack? th?m. Whether ?t?s getting m?d ?nd yelling, ?r trying t? m?k? th?m feel guilty b?????? th?? h?rt ???r feelings. It?s ?ll ?n attack ?nd ?t?s ?ll very manipulative. Th? point ?? ??? h??? t? b? willing t? listen t? ?t ?ll, g??d ?nd b?d.

Of course, th? same exact thing holds tr?? f?r ???r spouse t??. It?s g?t t? b? give ?nd take. Y?? ?h??ld both b? willing t? listen t? th? issues th? ?th?r one h?? ?nd ??? ?h??ld both b? ?bl? t? talk ?b??t th? issues ??? h???, without being punished b? getting th? ??ld shoulder ?r being yelled ?t.

M??t ?f th?? w?ll ?t?rt w?th each ?f ??? having enough self confidence t? n?t take everything personally. If ???r spouse tries t? talk t? ??? ?b??t a problem ?nd ?ll ??? hear ?? ?????re n?t g??d enough? ?r ?????re n?t smart enough? ?r ?I don?t l??? ???? th?n th? issue ?? w?th ???, n?t th?m. G?t th?t fixed first.

D? yourself ?nd ???r partner a favor, take th? time t? learn
th? skills t? effective communication ?n relationships.


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