Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wall Street ? Blog Archive ? Best Car Insurance Coverage

Automobile insurance can offer an array of coverages. Mandatory insurance coverages vary by state but other optional coverage areas can include: medical coverage for expenses caused by a wreck, uninsured motorist which covers you if the other driver is uninsured, roadside assistance and many other useful coverages. This article can help you understand the best car insurance coverage and choose wisely.

Best Car Insurance Help and Advice

To save money on your insurance, clean up your credit report. Most auto insurance companies use FICO scores as an aid in determining your premium. Apparently there is a correlation between low credit scores and traffic violations. Raising your credit score may not improve your driving skills, but it will put more money into your pockets.

When it comes to the best car insurance for elderly drivers, it is important to make sure that an elderly person is in good shape to drive. Elderly people (or their family, friends or carers) to make sure that they are feeling well, and feeling alert before each and every drive. If an elderly person gets in an accident, this could cause their rates to go up dramatically, or they may find that it is impossible to get insurance thereafter.

Many people pay more than they have to for accident coverage on their auto insurance. It is important to have coverage for accidents, but it is highly unnecessary to pay more than what you have to pay. Make sure you are not just accepting coverage levels that you do not need.

Best Car Insurance Information

Be aware of different kinds of coverage that can be included in an auto insurance policy. Another type of coverage is property damage liability. This type of coverage covers any claims for property that is damaged by your car in an accident. Since this liability coverage protects the other party too, it is required in 47 states.

Before you lock yourself into what you believe is the best car insurance policy, make sure that you have the financial means to cover it. If you happen to let your insurance lapse, you might end up paying a whole lot more to receive coverage again. Having the financial means to cover your policy for the duration is important.

Best Car Insurance

Let your insurance agent know that you are interested in saving money on your insurance premium ? perhaps you may be eligible for discounts that you didn?t even know about. Many companies will offer discounts to seniors or to drivers who have a record of safe driving. See what you might be eligible for!

Just because one company offers the lowest rate does not mean it will be the best car insurance for you. Make sure the company has agents and adjusters in your area so that you can get the service you need if you ever have to actually use your insurance because of an accident.

Final Actions on the Best Car Insurance

As previously summarized, there are many insurance options to choose from. Some are mandatory and some are simply additional useful coverages. This article can help you define the best car insurance coverage options available to you, as well as their costs and whether they are of value to you. By understanding this information, you can get the coverage you need.

Tags: best car insurance


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Dubai and other revelations ? The World Is Watching

Some of you may remember, or know (as I keep going on about it) that I went to Dubai last year. I meant to write about it at the time, and then I felt a bit sheepish about it; I worried what people would think of me ? for I knew that my overall impression was positive, and that largely, people don?t really like the idea of it being remotely positive. People actively wanted me to have a bad time there. Even if they hadn?t been there themselves. This is due in part to bad press, but also actually due to a very generic, all-encompassing western view that everything we know and grew up with is ? well ? ?All There Is?. The One Way to do things. Anything that might not fit into that view is terrifying and Very Bad Indeed.

So, Dubai. I?ll be brief: I loved it. I met loads of people ? people who have travelled or come from all kinds of places, who were doing different things. (Talking to them made me realise I have not done enough with my life.) I felt very safe most of the time I was there. I liked the sun shining (mostly). I liked the amazing, incredible architecture which is literally everywhere. Nearly every building is remarkable in its own way. It?s very American. It feels American on the surface. But its roots are Arabian, and I like that. I love eating out and going to bars, and Dubai is not short of restaurants or drinking establishments ? I think only once I was a bit disappointed with food. The rest was gorgeous. There are some world-class views to be had there. Some amazing experiences, sights, and idiosyncratic/surreal things ? like going skiing in a shopping mall in the middle of the desert. Or seeing a tiger hanging out of a car window. It mainly lacks culture in appearance, but it is there, bubbling just underneath the surface if you dare to scratch it. Then there?s the record-breaking Dubai Fountain, the immensity of which took my breath away? In short, it is not like any other city I have ever visited, and I don?t think it is like any other place on earth. Really.

Of course, there are negative aspects too, but I?m not going to dwell on that here. Google it or something.

Four months down the line, I?ve realised that it was a big learning experience for me. I?ve always been of the impression that ? sorry, gap year haters! ? going abroad really widens your horizons, and every new experience helps to shape you as a person. I could easily list a few off the top of my head:

1) Romania, 2 days after my 17th birthday, taught me that I could dive into the dark on my own, and still survive.
2) My first university taught me that sometimes, things don?t work out, and that it?s okay to fail sometimes.
3) My first job made me realise that I genuinely love working. Far, far more than studying.
4) Australia in 2010 taught me that I can be happy, that I can be fulfilled, and that I can be the life of the party if I truly want to.
5) Dubai taught me that I need to look at the bigger picture, that open-mindedness works both ways, and that it?s not possible to see things as they are until you, ummm, see them as they are.

It is this bigger picture part that has finally, finally started to make sense ? that experience has suddenly collided with previous experience and now I feel a bit more sure of myself and where my life is going.

It?ll take a while to explain because it?s been a long time coming: When I was at University, we did a unit called Global Current Affairs, which I didn?t really like at the time, but got good grades on. That summer of the second year, I went to work experience at an FT magazine about Africa (TIA), which was exclusively about news in business, entrepreneurialism, trade and finance on the African continent. I really, really enjoyed it. It was niche, it was about something that was, to me, far more exciting than UK news, and I was able to put into practice a lot of what I learned in GCA. I don?t think I ever felt like I was really learning much from my degree, so it was nice to finally have something I could point to and say ?THIS helped me?.

Anyway ? every journalist worth their salt knows they need to have some kind of direction, some kind of passion or area they want to go into. I had previously said something along the lines of ?I dunno really ? whatever drops out, I?ll take?. But that?s not the most convincing answer to the question ?What do you want to do with your life?? So I realised that finance and business journalism is probably where I wanted to go ? I?d been nudged in that direction unintentionally, and really enjoyed it. It pays well. Finance and business will always be around, so it?s a relatively stable job. That sort of thing.

But I wouldn?t really be that happy doing that here. To me, it?s boring. I want to know about what?s going on in a bigger way ? like Dubai ? going there really opened my eyes to the possibilities the Middle East has, just like TIA did with Africa. They opened my eyes to the idea that maybe, just maybe, there is more to life than the western world. I want to know why Russia and China are blocking UN resolutions on Iran. I want to know how much of Africa belongs to China, and what they?re doing with that land. I want to know who else has been investing in Africa, where Brazil comes into the picture. I?m not really interested in small details anymore. Perhaps I?m being remiss, but I feel a bit like London, the UK even, isn?t big enough a stomping ground for me anymore.

I?ve finally decided I want to do international journalism, or at least business/finance ? elsewhere and not here. It?s a bit of a weird one because it?s taken me a few years to really realise this is what I want to do. I?ve always wanted to travel loads, and since I can remember, I?ve never seen myself settling down. I like the idea of minimalism and scaling down, and making-do and being on the road. I like the idea of waking up to a different place and different experience every day. I feel like I?m doing something positive then, and I feel more connected and purposeful. I can?t sit around and feel sorry for myself when I?m busy.

Things are changing in my life and in my little corner of the internet. It?s a necessary move, and you?ll all understand in a short while. I?m not sure if I?ll keep this blog, even. But I feel reinvigorated, and a lot better than I have been in the recent past. I feel a bit like things are finally happening, even if its just mainly me figuring myself out ? and this can only be a good thing.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FINAT Congress and Label Competition 2012 | Converter News ...

The Hague, The Netherlands ? February 27, 2012 ? FINAT, the world-wide association for the self-adhesive labels and related products, introduces the
entry and participation details of its annual international labelling competition and the provisional programme of its congress which will take place in the Hilton Hotel in Athens, Greece from 6-9 June 2012. FINAT also reveals the winner of the congress logo contest of this year's edition.


FIN_Congress_logo Congress 2012 Theme: Sustainable labelling ? now is your chance!
"In today?s developed society, businesses are increasingly embracing a corporate approach that goes beyond the single dimension of company profit,"
says Kurt Walker, FINAT President. "Awareness is growing that short-term profit maximization cannot be achieved without taking into account a company?s corporate responsibility towards the environment, the community in which it is operating and the people it employs. ?Sustainable entrepreneurship? is aimed at maximising ?PPP Value?: People, Planet and Profit. In this concept, the scope of entrepreneurship is broadened from the ?here and now? to the ?there and then?."

That is why under the title 'Sustainable labelling - now is your chance!', this year's congress takes a specific look at the various aspects associated with
the buzzword ?sustainability? for the labelling industry. It will highlight the perspective from one of the leading customers of our industry, demonstrate how to combine economy and ecology when designing packaging and labels, and allow the opportunity to share and discuss best practice with industry leaders and entrepreneurs in different areas of corporate sustainability. In addition the congress will bring inspiration from the Live8 (Live Aid) experience and will present an outlook into our common future from a leading futurologist. And it will give participants a first hand opportunity to learn about the latest trends and developments affecting the European self-adhesive label industry. The full programme will be released in due course.

Thirty Second International Label Competition: Final Call for Entries

FINAT converter members and other label printers that are not yet affiliated to FINAT and who have not yet entered their labels are encouraged to do so before the March 9 deadline. The FINAT label competition recognises and rewards achievements in terms of both end use/marketing impact and print and converting quality. The awards will be presented to the winners during FINAT's Congress in Athens.

This year the competition is separating all wine labels from the mainstream categories irrespective of printing process used. This means that there are
three drinks categories and one food category. This trial has been prompted because wine labels by their very nature are usually aesthetically pleasing and very decorative and the quality of design and printing quality has improved considerably over the years. The intention is to allow other end use categories to have a greater chance of winning an award. This principle has also been applied to the cosmetic entries where all cosmetic labels will be entered in the cosmetic category irrespective of printing process used allowing more scope for labels entered in the pharmaceutical and other related categories.

In recent years the FINAT awards competition has seen a considerable increase in the total number of entries with the figures hovering around the 300
mark with almost two thirds of the entries to be found in the Marketing/End Use Group.

In the 2010 competition a label from the Wine/Spirits category won best in show with wine labels taking several of the printing process awards. Again in 2011 a wine label won best in show and another was awarded the jury prize. In both competitions wine and drinks labels also won the Sets of Labels category. Of course wine labels will not be excluded from winning the ultimate award but the new classification will level the playing field somewhat. Almost certainly we will see the wines and spirits label up in the top awards again in this year?s competition. There has been a significant trend in food labels to more realistic illustrations of food products. This is driven to some extent by the brand owners demanding more differentiation of their products on the supermarket shelves. It has been proven that realistic looking packaging and labels placed at consumer
eye level increases sales by up to 10%. The same research indicated that more men buy wine by design than price. Whereas women tend to purchase based initially on price and secondly by design.

FINAT Congress Logo Contest: and the Winner is ...
In order to encourage the next generation of graphic designers, FINAT has for the past four years organised a congress logo competition. Several colleges
and universities from the host country Greece were invited to submit entries from their students on the theme 'Sustainable Labelling - now is your chance'. More than 120 entries were received from 2 teaching establishments. The Vakalo Art & Design College and the Akto College both located in Athens.

The standard of entries was very high and bodes well for the future of the graphic design industry especially in Greece. It was very difficult to make the
final decision as many of the entries showed some really original ideas in their designs. The final award was made to Georgios Karanikas from the Vakalo Art and Design college. He produced a very simple one colour design depicting the meander, a design often seen round the walls of ancient Greek buildings. His idea was to show, in a stylised way, two hands interlinking and collaborating together illustrating the international, multi-cultural character of the FINAT Congress. The judges were impressed by the simplicity of design using only one colour and the concept behind the design.

For all information:


FINAT, founded in Paris in 1958 and headquartered in The Hague (The Netherlands), is the world-wide association for manufacturers of self-adhesive labels and related products and services. With 600 members in over 50 countries around the world, FINAT has much to offer to label converters and all suppliers to the labelling industry in terms of information exchange and the opportunity to network internationally.

Story spotted at The Labelling Blog
Find out more...

Tags: More about Finat, Seminars


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Google's Get Your Business Online in Emerging Markets - Part 2 ...

In Friday?s post, I started this look at the expansion of Google?s Get Your Business Online initiative into emerging markets in India and Africa. I contended in the post that the potential economic impact is immense here. Consider the numbers. Of an estimated 8 million small businesses operating in India, there are roughly 400,000 or 5% that have websites, according to the official Google India Blog. There is obviously considerable opportunity for many more companies to get online and grow their businesses.

The penetration rate of the internet in the country is only 10.2%, however, this number will likely rise and can do so quickly with the massive growth in smartphones. Google India hopes to get 500,000 businesses online with the initiative over the next three years effectively doubling the web presence of Indian businesses, and it is well-positioned to do so. With the influx of these businesses, a real implication is the growing need for SEO services provided by local companies as well as those abroad that can deliver international SEO services.

Turning our attention to Africa, programs have been started in Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria, all having the same structure and intent. Like in India, the initiative has enormous potential. In Ghana, SMEs account for 92% of all businesses and contribute 70% of GDP, while in Kenya they contribute over 80% to the GDP and employ over 5 million people, all according to the Google Africa Blog. Also, there may be additional benefits that result as well: spill-over effects impacting development in other sectors. The presence of businesses online can positively grow communications and internet access in places where the technology has the most applicability. This paired with other programs like the Internet Bus in India which was implemented to widen the exposure of the internet can bring the medium to more people.

Further, according to research by McKinsey & Company, SMEs that use the web to a high degree double their growth and exports. As such, the potential impact is substantial to boost the internal strength of the economies of these countries and prove as catalysts going forward, encouraging greater outside interest and investment.

The Get Your Business Online initiative is also partnering with the Federation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (FISME), a nonprofit organization that assists SMEs get online in the same way. Joining together reinforces each entity?s efforts and solidifies Google?s intentions and presence in the local context, which is always a large part of gaining acceptance and support from the local audience, and in this case, customers.? Industry experts and SEO companies will be tracking the progress of these initiatives both to measure the growth of the internet in these emerging markets and the opportunity for delivering their services to the growing mass of SMEs with a web presence.


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Business Loans for Bad Credit ? Tips for Getting Loans ...

Money is turning to be the most important thing in this financial world. Most of the things get fulfilled by money only. One needs money to lead a life; enlarge the daily standard of living and to enjoy life. One also needs money even to start a business. So, in a nutshell every walk of life requires money.

Starting a business requires heavy initial capitals and so it is really a tough task to start a business and keep them float in the market. People is off-course not always flooded with money, hence he need money at instances. And when it comes starting a business he must be needing business loans.

These business loans for bad credit will help him to initiate capital investment and concluding establish in the market. The EMI of these loans can be paid in the form of profit earned from the business. This means actually you are earning with the others money. I am sure you might be aware with an old saying ?Money Attracts Money?. This means to earn money you need to invest money a lot and here this task is done by business loans.

Now where is the risk, the danger is that, when you start a business, you are actually not knowing its fate, where it is going to take you. Will you earn profit or go in loss. If in the worst case you went in loss means that you are losing your credit score. You will be getting bad credit score and then getting business loans for bad credit score will be more difficult for you.

Getting loans to start a business need certain steps like, you need to be careful you have to do initial risky on the plans you are going to invest and above all you must know the prospect of your business. Secondly most important thing is to go for a ?B? plan. Keeping a ?B? plan is to keep you safe. If your business goes in loss, then there will be solution for you and you can catch the thread of the second plan and get out of adverse situation.

Now when you have finally decided of getting business loan after ensuring that you have done proper search go for the best deal. As you know that loans are provided by financial institutions or traditional money lender, you need to search for them too. And if you have an internet access than you can even go for the best ever deal in business loans for bad credit. The latest trend in information technology opens a very wide range of choices for you. You can compare rates of different lender and sign with the best. In the case of traditional lender you can negotiate. All the skill lies in negotiation because it is one time negotiation that you have to pay all round the debt period.

However in the case of financial institutions like banks you have very less to do. The best and safest side is to indulge in the business which has best giving potential to give return.


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Eye-tracking reveals variability in successful social strategies for children with autism spectrum disorders

ScienceDaily (Feb. 27, 2012) ? In a study published in the March 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Katherine Rice and colleagues, from the Marcus Autism Center, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and Emory University School of Medicine, used eye-tracking technology to measure the relationship between cognitive and social disability in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the ability of children with ASD to pay attention to social interactions.

The study is the largest to date to observe children with ASD watching scenes of social interaction; 135 children, 109 with ASD and 26 without, all approximately 10 years old, participated. The children were shown movie scenes of school-age children in age-appropriate social situations. One set of analyses focused on the differences between children with ASD and typically-developing children, by closely matching a subset of those with ASD to typically-developing peers on IQ, gender, and age. A second set of analyses focused on measures that quantify the broad spectrum of adaptive and maladaptive behavior in ASD by analyzing variation across all 109 ASD participants.

Results indicated that children with ASD were less likely than typically-developing peers to look at other people's eyes and faces, and were more likely to fixate on bodies and inanimate objects. The results also revealed the varying ways in which children with ASD use the information they observe. For the entire group of children with ASD, increased observation of inanimate objects rather than people was associated with more severe social disability. However, for some subsets of the autism spectrum, such as highly verbal children with ASD, whose verbal IQs were larger than their nonverbal IQs, increased looking at others people's mouths was associated with less disability.

"These results help us tease apart some of the vast heterogeneity of the autism spectrum," said Rice. "For some children, atypical looking patterns may be serving as a compensatory strategy; but for others, these patterns are clearly associated with maladaptive behaviors. Objective, quantitative measures of social disability help us to identify these subsets in a data-driven manner."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Elsevier, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Katherine Rice, Jennifer M. Moriuchi, Warren Jones, Ami Klin. Parsing Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Visual Scanning of Dynamic Social Scenes in School-Aged Children. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2012; 51 (3): 238 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2011.12.017

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Recent Silver And Gold Prices | Providence Insurance Group

Most everyday people could probably answer gold, but the important metal with all the greatest upside may be silver. Silver is a good deal even more volatile than gold is, with expected inflation and rise in demand and up-to-date silver and gold prices, Silver includes a capability to rise in price loads above Gold.

The purpose of this article is not to speak you out of purchasing gold for the reason that it?s always a solid investment. Instead, the aim is to educate you about the history of silver, what influences its price level, and how it truly is future looks like so you could determine if investing in silver is better in your portfolio.

In advance of I aim to predict the potential, let me initial discuss yesteryear performance of silver.

In 1970, the buying expense of gold averaged $35.94/oz. Towards the end of your decade, its average was $306/oz., or an increase of about 1000%! Not a bad return. In 1970, the price of silver was just $1.63 per ounce. Towards the end belonging to the decade, it had risen to just about $22 per ounce! This was an increase of around 1400%.

Would you alternatively spend a lot less and receive a higher return? These past results result in the long run of silver attractive.

Right now, silver costs are hovering while in the range of $17 per ounce. Think of, silver prices skyrocketing close to $225 per ounce inside another year.

Why would you employ examples from the 1970?s in regards to gold and silver? Lots of individuals, including former Fed Chairman Paul Volker, admit which the present economy is acting like it did within the 1970s, with higher food and energy rates, instability inside stock marketplace, higher unemployment, along with a lower performing dollar. Also Volker, according to Forbes Magazine, recently told the Joint Economic Committee that whiles the economy obviously doesn?t have the full-blown, double-digit inflation crisis that finally appeared within the 70s, ?there is an underlying tendency to inflation.? Simply because in the similarities between now and the 1970?s, the buying price of silver might possibly be ready to get a sharp increase again.

The second valid reason why existing silver and gold prices may be a better investment than gold in this economy is that silver has numerous additional industrial applications than inside past. And, like gold, silver is inside a restricted supply. So as demand increases and provide you with does not, the buying price of silver will go up!

What are some of the products that use silver? Batteries, flexible and solid plastics, and electronics are traditional works by using for silver that keep demand alive for this. But the following are a handful of newer ways to use silver that should keep escalating demand:

? Mirrors & Coatings ? Silver could be polished to 95% reflectivity. While mirrors are approximately for centuries, silver is being incorporated in various coatings to lessen sun exposure towards the eyes with an eyeglass application. This usage is also remaining applied to glass buildings for being able to help keep buildings cool in summertime and thus reduce energy dependence.

? Medical ? It?s only recently been discovered regarding how silver?s anti-bacterial abilities work. A particular area of development includes by using Nano-silver particles being a delivery mechanism for silver ions, which can be becoming incorporated into a lot of new antibacterial products. For example, silver ions are actually currently being incorporated into paints and coatings to inhibit surface germs and fungus.

? Water Purification -Silver ions are actually currently being employed in all sorts of water purification processes. Example customers are hospitals, community water systems, pools, and spas.

? Solar power ? Silver paste not just boosts the efficiency of solar energy assortment as electricity, it is actually also used in solar farms which use the assortment with the sun?s rays as heat to produce steam powered generators.

Finally, collecting silver coins is collecting massive attractiveness likewise. The U.S. Mint sold a great deal more Silver Eagle Coins in March and during the to start with quarter of 2010 than ever before. A total of 9,023,500 American Silver Eagles ended up purchased from the to start with quarter of 2010, the greatest amount because the coin made its debut in 1986! A large number of traders are starting to awaken for the benefits of purchasing silver.

Based within the London Bullion Sector Association?s Forecast 2008 report, the silver market looks bullish through the subsequent couple of decades. Silver?s amount gains could very well be attributed to solid demand-side investment, which appetite looks set to carry on inside the potential since the race between the old entire world and the emerging economies to corner the world?s natural resources intensifies? whether it is a mine or just physical metal. Given the economic factors, the historical surge stemming from these factors, the increase in industrial demand, and the increased reputation in selection of coins, existing silver and gold prices may be considered a harmless investment for investors to bully their portfolio than other types of assets and investments.

Looking for news and investing guidance which you can count on? Properly turn to us for gold price per ounce Acquire all of your investing demands around topics for example gold prices silver prices and so considerably far more at this time!

Tags: business, gold price, gold prices, investing


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03/19/2012 0:00 AM Forty Years of Chicano Studies at the University of Minnesota


Date: 03/19/2012 - 04/30/2012

Time: All Day Event

Location: Wilson Library

Cost: Free


To celebrate this anniversary the University Libraries will exhibit selections from our Chicano Studies research collections. Join us for an opening reception and roundtable discussion about the creation and development of the Department of Chicano Studies at the University of Minnesota.

Exhibit curated by Rafael Tarrago

See the Department of Chicano Studies for other events associated with this anniversary.


  • Name: Rafael Tarrago
  • E-mail:
  • Sponsored by: University Libraries, Chicano Studies

Disability Options:

To request disability accommodations, please contact Rafael Tarrago at 612-624-4317 or


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ghostworkers and Greens Collaborative Engagements in Pesticide ...


Growers and the USDA showed increasing favor for agricultural chemicals over cultural and biological forms of pest control through the first half of the twentieth century. With the introduction of DDT and other synthetic chemicals to commercial markets in the post-World War II era, pesticides became entrenched as the primary form of pest control in the industrial agriculture production system. Despite accumulating evidence that some pesticides posed a threat to human and environmental health, growers and government exercised path-dependent behavior in the development and implementation of pest control strategies. As pests developed resistance to regimens of agricultural chemicals, growers applied pesticides with greater toxicity in higher volumes to their fields with little consideration for the unintended consequences of using the economic poisons. Consequently, pressure from non-governmental organizations proved a necessary predicate for pesticide reform. This dissertation uses a series of case studies to examine the role of non-governmental organizations, particularly environmental organizations and farmworker groups, in pesticide reform from 1962 to 2011. For nearly fifty years, these groups served as educators, communicating scientific and experiential information about the adverse effects of pesticides on human health and environment to the public, and built support for the amendment of pesticide policies and the alteration of pesticide use practices. Their efforts led to the passage of more stringent regulations to better protect farmworkers, the public, and the environment. Environmental organizations and farmworker groups also acted as watchdogs, monitoring the activity of regulatory agencies and bringing suit when necessary to ensure that they fulfilled their responsibilities to the public. This dissertation will build on previous scholarly work to show increasing collaboration between farmworker groups and environmental organizations. It argues that the organizations shared a common concern about the effects of pesticides on human health, which enabled bridge-builders within the disparate organizations to foster cooperative relationships. Bridge-building proved a mutually beneficial exercise. Variance in organizational strategies and the timing of different reform efforts limited, but did not eliminate, opportunities for collaboration. Coalitions formed when groups came together temporarily, and then drifted apart when a reform effort reached its terminus, leaving future collaboration still possible.


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Delineating Sub-Genres in Your Book Department ? Christian Book ...

> Uncategorized > Delineating Sub-Genres in Your Book?Department

In a store like ours which is seriously over-crowded, locating the right books in a timely way is critical.? So we have segregated some titles which are tagged with a small shelf-talker to highlight their content.

For example, our Family section has four major shelf divisions:

  • Men
  • Women
  • Marriage
  • Parenting

But then there are two shelves of special-interest and special-issues including:

  • blended families and step-parenting
  • single parenting
  • adoption
  • financial issues
  • addictions
  • sexuality
  • singles issues
  • separation, divorce and remarriage
  • special issues with daughters, sons
  • seniors, extended families
  • children?s faith questions
  • family issues
  • technology
  • bullying, school issues
  • abuse
  • considering home schooling

In our ministry section, in addition to books of interest to pastors, commentaries, etc.,we offer

  • comparative religions
  • comparative denominations
  • women in ministry *
  • church history
  • classic authors**
  • church planting
  • ministering to postmoderns
  • emerging church
  • next generation writers
  • Zondervan Counterpoints series***

*? Started last year as a temporary section when one church was doing an exhaustive study on this issue.
**You must be dead several years to get in this category, but C. S. Lewis survives in the Christian Living section.?
***3-5 viewpoints on a single issue, not tagged since the books stand out on their own

In our apologetics section we offer

  • general apologetics
  • reliability of scripture/Bible translation issues
  • Bible and science (which itself has various unstated viewpoints)
  • basic Bible overviews
  • sharing your faith

With an army of part-time employees, it?s important that everyone is able to find everything.

Do you have little niche sections of your store that are fairly active?

Grocery stores are generally the best at highlighting items you might have missed; click the image to learn more


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Zoologger: The bird that cares for its rival's chicks

Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals ? and occasionally other organisms ? from around the world

Species: Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus
Habitat: living in m?nages a cinq in Australasia and New Zealand, with other subspecies on mainland Asia, Africa and southern Europe

Some people are very forbearing. Take Georgiana Cavendish, duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806). Her best friend, Elizabeth Foster, had a long-standing affair with Georgiana's husband. Yet for many years Georgiana shared a house with them. Elizabeth even had two illegitimate children with the duke: Georgiana raised them with her own.

Of course, Georgiana was constrained by the society she lived in. Nowadays most people in her position would disown their friend and divorce their spouse. It's the same in the animal kingdom. Females often get cross if their male mates with a rival, particularly if they get landed with the resulting offspring.

But one bird is just as tolerant of adultery and illegitimate offspring as Georgiana was. Female p?kekos cheerfully let other females lay eggs in their nest, and share the task of caring for them, despite the cost to themselves.

M?nage ? trois ou cinq

P?kekos are a subspecies of purple gallinule. They are an iconic animal in New Zealand, where thanks to their pugnacious personalities and intelligence they're often used in TV adverts (here's an example). If you're not sure how to pronounce their name, the stress is on the first syllable.

On New Zealand's South Island, they live in groups up to eight strong. Each group will have between one and three breeding males and one or two breeding females, and perhaps a few non-breeding adults as well. The breeding adults are polygamous: every male mates with every female, regardless of how dominant they are.

Within each group, the females often lay their eggs in the same nest. All the adults then share the work of caring for them. This marks the p?kekos as oddities in the bird kingdom.

"Only 3 per cent of birds have a system where adult birds care for young not their own," says James Quinn of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Of those the vast majority are older siblings that haven't yet managed to breed for themselves. Caring for unrelated young, as the p?kekos do, is virtually unheard of.

Caring sharing birds

Quinn has found that sharing a nest in this way actively harms a female p?keko's ability to reproduce. Joint clutches can contain 10 eggs, compared to just six in solitary clutches. The total number of eggs that hatch from a joint clutch is higher, on average, but eggs are also more likely to be accidentally broken in a crowded nest ? so the chances of any individual egg hatching goes down. Weighing the two factors against each other, a female is better off going solo.

Given that, why do the female p?kekos put up with other females laying eggs in their nests? They could throw the offending eggs out, or just attack the other female when she tries to lay. But they don't.

Quinn wondered if the females were worried about retaliation. After all, if a female threw out a rival's eggs, the rival might then attack her eggs in return. To find out if this went on, he monitored 19 joint nests. From each he removed all the eggs laid by one of the two females.

Six nests were abandoned entirely, and another five fell victim to predators. But at the remaining eight, the parents continued caring for the eggs, seemingly unaffected. There was no sign of increased aggression between the females. "Robbed females do not retaliate," Quinn says.

We need a boy

Quinn suspects that the males might be responsible for the females' bizarre cooperativeness. Male p?kekos play a big role in childcare, including incubating the eggs at night. So if they abandon the nest, the offspring are doomed.

From a male's point of view, it's better to incubate a joint clutch because more eggs ? all of which carry his genes ? will hatch. So if one of the females was destroying eggs and the clutch got smaller, the male might abandon it and start again in the hope of getting a joint clutch.

For now, that's just speculation. But Georgiana might have appreciated the irony. For female p?kekos, tolerating adultery might be the only way to guarantee that their males help out with the kids.

Journal reference: Animal Behaviour, DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.01.027

Read previous Zoologger columns: Itsy bitsy teeny weeny chameleons , Don't bite ? how the zebra got its stripes, The only males with more brain than females , How a blurry-eyed spider pounces on targetMovie Camera, Gecko's amputated tail has life of its own, Unique life form is half plant, half animal, Transgender fish perform reverse sex flip, My brain's so big it spills into my legs, Dozy hamsters reverse the ageing process, To kill a mockingbird? No, parasitise it, Chill out with the world's coldest insect, 'Werewolf birds' hook up by the full moon, Cannibal shrimp shows its romantic side, The only cross-dressing bird of prey.

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Insight: Japan's nuclear crisis goes much further than Fukushima (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - On a hillside in northern Japan, wind turbines slice through the cold air, mocking efforts at a nearby industrial complex to shore up the future of the demoralized nuclear power industry.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rapid-fire attacks across Iraq kill 50 people

Iraqi firefighters try to extinguish a burning bus at the scene of a car bomb explosion in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials say a string of morning attacks across Baghdad has killed and injured dozens of Iraqis. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

Iraqi firefighters try to extinguish a burning bus at the scene of a car bomb explosion in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials say a string of morning attacks across Baghdad has killed and injured dozens of Iraqis. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

Ahmed Ali inspects his destroyed car after a car bomb explosion in Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials said a string of morning attacks across Baghdad killed and injured dozens of people. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

People inspect the scene of a car bomb explosion in Karradah in downtown Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. Iraqi officials said a string of morning attacks across Baghdad killed and injured dozens of people. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

Iraqi firefighters try to extinguish a burning bus at the scene of a car bomb explosion in Karradah in downtown Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. A swift series of bombings and shootings killed dozens of people across the Iraqi capital early Thursday in attacks that mostly appeared to target police, officials said. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)

(AP) ? A rapid series of attacks spread over a wide swath of Iraqi territory killed at least 50 people on Thursday, targeting mostly security forces in what appeared to be a vicious strike by al-Qaida militants bent on destabilizing the country.

The apparently coordinated bombings and shootings unfolded over four hours in the capital Baghdad ? where most of the deaths occurred ? and 11 other cities. They struck government offices, restaurants and one in the town of Musayyib hit close to a primary school. At least 225 people were wounded.

"What is happening today are not simple security violations ? it is a huge security failure and disaster," said Ahmed al-Tamimi, who was working at an Education Ministry office a block away from a restaurant that was bombed in the Shiite neighborhood of Kazimiyah in northern Baghdad. He described a hellish scene of human flesh and pools of blood at the restaurant.

"We want to know: What were the thousands of policemen and soldiers in Baghdad doing today while the terrorists were roaming the city and spreading violence?" al-Tamimi said.

It was the latest of a series of large-scale attacks that insurgents have launched every few weeks since the last U.S. troops left Iraq in mid-December at the end of a nearly nine-year war.

The ongoing nature of the violence and the fact that insurgents are able to operate over a wide swath of Iraq to carry out a variety of attacks shows the country is still deeply unstable, despite government assurances it could protect itself when American troops left in December.

The violence points to a dangerous gap in the abilities of the Iraqi security forces that had particularly worried the departing U.S. military: their ability to gather intelligence on insurgent groups and stop them before they launch such deadly attacks. Gathering information on militants and their networks was a key area in which the U.S. military helped their Iraqi counterparts.

Shortly after the withdrawal, a major political crisis with sectarian undertones erupted as well when Shiite-dominated authorities sought to arrest Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on allegations he commandeered death squads targeting security forces and government officials.

While no group immediately claimed responsibility for the latest attacks, targeting security officials is a hallmark of Al-Qaida in Iraq. Such attacks achieve two goals: undermining the public's confidence in the ability of their policemen and soldiers to protect everyday citizens and discourage people from joining or helping the security forces.

Al-Qaida claimed responsibility for a similar strike on Jan. 5 that killed 78 people and mostly targeted Shiite pilgrims in Baghdad, in what was the worst day of violence to shake Iraq in months.

Two government spokesmen declined immediate comment.

A senior Iraqi defense intelligence official said Thursday's attacks appeared to have been planned for at least one month. He predicted they aimed to frighten diplomats from attending the Arab League's annual summit that is scheduled to be held in Baghdad in late March.

Similar fears were part of the reason the League meeting was canceled in Baghdad last year. The defense official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.

Nationwide, security forces appeared to be targeted in at least 14 separate attacks, including a drive-by shooting in Baghdad that killed six policemen at a checkpoint before dawn. Police patrols in the capital and beyond also were besieged by roadside bombs and, in once case, a suicide bomber who blew up his car outside a police station in the city of Baqouba, 35 miles (60 kilometers) northeast of Baghdad.

Iraq's police are generally considered to be the weakest element of the country's security forces, and 20 were killed earlier this week by a suicide bomber outside the Baghdad police academy that angry residents blamed on political feuding that is roiling Iraq.

But the latest violence spilled onto commuters, restaurant patrons, passers-by and school children as well.

In the single deadliest strike, a car bomb in Baghdad's downtown shopping district of Karradah killed nine people and wounded 26. The blast effects could be felt blocks away, shaking buildings and windows. Associated Press TV footage of the scene showed people walking away from the scene, covered in blood.

In Musayyib, a car bomb parked on the street between a restaurant and an elementary school killed one person and wounded 62. Most of the injured were school children, said police and health officials.

The casualties were tallied by local security and hospital officials in the cities where the attacks occurred. Nearly all spoke on condition of anonymity.

Late Wednesday, Iraq's Interior Ministry announced the capture of Waleed Khalid Ali, accused as a top leader of the Ansar al-Sunna insurgent group linked to al-Qaida. The government said Ali was caught trying to enter Iraq from Syria, where al-Qaida groups recently have been surging to assist opposition forces seeking the overthrow of President Bashar Assad.

But the coordinated nature of Thursday's attacks show they likely were planned long before Ali's arrest. A Western diplomatic security official said recent intelligence indicated that an unspecified attack was in the works. The official could not be identified in line with government regulations.

Widespread violence has decreased since just a few years ago when Iraq teetered on the brink of civil war. But bombings and deadly shootings still happen almost daily.


Associated Press Writers Lara Jakes and Sinan Salaheddin contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Some Grand Clarity (TIME)

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Making the Most of Networking Meetings ? @work: a career blog

I?ve already shared in a previous post that I read so many career books that when I find one that?s funny and profane in equal parts, I can?t help but share the advice with you.? Michael Laskoff is the author of a ?survival guide for the recently unemployed? called Landing on the Right Side of Your A**. ?(Title redacted; this is a family friendly blog, after all.)? His often hilarious advice is based on his own checkered career.? He?s a graduate of Harvard Business School and has held several high profile jobs for companies like McKinsey & Company.? He also wrote an employment column for Business Week Online.

His chapter on networking meetings contains some great advice.? In typical Laskoff fashion, he tells you what makes you look dumb and tells you what he?s thinking while you look dumb.? Here are his four tips for better networking meetings.

  1. ?Arrive with an agenda. Laskoff says that he?s sat through several uncomfortable meetings where the requestor had obviously used all his energy in getting the meeting and had not had any energy left to plan what to say once he got there. Laskoff says he tries to help out when the requestor is at a loss for words, but suspect other busy people will simply toss the jobseeker out on his ear.? For the record, my experience has been that most people are too polite to toss anyone out.? But I, too, have experienced an uncomfortable silence after opening the meeting with, ?How can I help you today??
  2. Do your basic research elsewhere.? This is excellent advice.? Laskoff says you should never waste time asking questions that you could answer yourself with a few minutes of internet research. You should never have to ask much about the person?s company or industry.? If you sound unprepared, you?ll hurt the rest of your presentation, no matter how good it is.? On the other hand if you ask smart questions based on your research, you?ll sound smart and worthy of more time.
  3. Don?t ask disrespectful questions.? Laskoff says he?s heard some stunners, including ?How much do you make?? I have never had anyone be quite that bold, so I?ve never had to drag out his uncouth response (?It?s none of your d*** business.?)
  4. Never ask for a job.? This is obvious to anyone who has read my blog over the years, but it?s possible that some people are still more hopeful than strategic. Laskoff says (and I agree) that you should never have to make a pitch for a job.? If you?re impressive enough, a smart person will be passing your information on to others in the industry whom he likes and respects.? If you are obnoxious in the meeting, he?ll be passing your information on to people he hates.?

Laskoff passes on other small etiquette gems as well. He suggests that you always reconfirm how much time your subject has for you that day. She may have initially promised you thirty minutes, but her schedule may have changed. Ask again how much time you will have together, and be prepared to edit your questions on the fly so you get the most important ones answered in the time you have.

He also recommends that you ask for more people you can speak to, based on the conversation you just had with your contact. Laskoff says that the most you can expect is one or two contacts, and you should consider that ?a d*** good haul.? If you get more, they are bound to be weaker, so take your two and move on briskly.

Finally, Laskoff says, your thank you should arrive a few days after the meeting.? He says that it should be timed to remind your contact who you are as much as it is to thank him or her.? ?Unless you?re stunning-looking or fascinating ? and you?re probably neither ? you can expect your contact to forget your existence in a few days or less,? he writes.? A well-timed thank you can bring you top of mind again.

His advice for following up is spot on, and as usual, he presents it in easy to understand and execute steps.? Laskoff is a funny guy, but he takes his career advice seriously. The combination makes for a great read.


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Tags: Job Search, Land on the Right Side, Michael Laskoff, networking, success


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Some like it hot: Clinton watches Heat (Politico)

MIAMI - Former President Bill Clinton did something Sunday that many celebrities do when visiting South Florida.

He watched the Miami Heat.

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Clinton arrived shortly before tip-off of the Heat?s game against the Orlando Magic, even getting his hands on a deflected ball late in the first half and smiling as he flipped it back onto the court.

He stayed until the very end, then posed for plenty of postgame photos with fans, as well as one with the officiating crew of Bill Kennedy, Mark Lindsay and Rodney Mott.

?As a crew, it was an honor and a privilege,? Kennedy said after the game.

Clinton told the crew: ?No one in this building, other than me, has been second-guessed more than you guys.?

The former president sat just to the right of Heat managing general partner Micky Arison, the two chatting just about nonstop during play while sitting near midcourt at a table only inches from the sideline. The former president?s visit was not announced beforehand, and when asked about it postgame, Heat coach Erik Spoelstra still apparently wasn?t aware that Clinton was sitting next to one of his bosses.

The Heat won the game 90-78 behind 27 points from Dwyane Wade.


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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Deciding on the Best Home Improvement Projects

by mark on Saturday, February 18th, 2012 | Comments Off

Lots of newer people to IM get something going and fall flat, and they never stop and wonder if their knowledge is good or they are doing things as well as they could.

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But we all know there are many who are impatient or lazy, and then they just do the bare minimum with any endeavor. As you put any kind of ad campaign together, you will not always think about the various knowledge areas you are using.

All the greatest business people on the net who started small eventually realized how critical testing all those small parts are for getting the greatest conversions.

Although it?s exhilarating to design projects to enhance your dwelling, it is a smart thought to deliberately contemplate all aspects of the plan to begin with. Individuals aren?t encouraged to scramble into acquiring contractors, handyman?s or the purchase of materials before they are certain they have everything in order. You have to be sure you stay within your budget, for example, and that you?re considering factors like energy efficiency and durability as well as how things look.

Adding an attachment to your home, such as a garage, may seem like a daunting project but it doesn?t have to be that complicated. Provided there is enough area where you live, a carport is one of the easiest sorts of buildings you can add, since it will not require any pipes and it does not have to be too complicated. However, the profits it creates are momentous, no matter if you want an area to create a home workplace or storage for your truck. Uses abound for a room that is attached to your home. Previously mentioned can possibly be a room for pool, ping pong or other recreation. Art, for example, could be practiced if you make it a place to do so. Also, storage space could be useful for this.

There are some simple changes that can make your home more energy efficient. One of these is to install a thermostat that?s programmable if you don?t already have one. The above mentioned is a simple solution to ensure your air conditioner or heater is not laboring too much, particular when one isn?t home. An exceptional thermostat will provoke the AC or heater to turn on just when the temperature comes to a particular level, and based on your needs you can change it. If you haven?t done it in a while it could also be a wise purchase to re-insulate your dwelling. Your home can be more relaxing and energy efficient by installing energy efficient windows, provided your windows need to be replaced.

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Carelessness along with incomplete knowledge of certain things makes for a tricky combination. You will be faced with new methods and techniques for a while, and all you really need to do is take it in small steps until you see results or feel comfortable. If it is related to email marketing, then you take a small percentage of your list and perform a simple test.

What many people do when they just want to get an idea about possibly using anything new on their site is test somewhere other than the home page. Most people make use of Google Analytics for tracking everything that happens on their site, and that will be suitable for any testing. Changing the color could be the easiest way to change the appearance of your home. You can always paint your walls a different color, but you can also change your floor colors or even furniture or wallpaper. Color combinations can go out of style, if you have been in a place for a while, and making a change can make your house seem new. If your room is painted a dreary color it can make you down, so change the colors of your rooms and liven up your life. White is a neutral color, while blue and green are soothing, and red and yellow are energizing. Of course, you may have your own color preferences, so these are only generalizations. Consider how you could make your home more comfortable and appealing by making some changes in color, whether by painting, putting in a new carpet or rearranging some furniture.

Home improvement projects can be fun, as long as you go slow and make modest changes over time. Get some help lined up, and make a list of what you need to change before you start. Anything that needs to be fixed now, in order to make your home more attractive, needs to be done before any of your other projects. And, as you continue, you will definitely find other things that you can do that will add to your home improvement projects.

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22 cardinals join club to elect pope's successor (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Pope Benedict XVI arrives to preside over a consistory in St. Peter's basilica at the Vatican, Saturday, Feb. 18, 2012. Pope Benedict XVI is bringing 22 new Catholic churchmen into the elite club of cardinals who will elect his successor amid signs the 84-year-old pontiff is slowing down. Benedict was presiding over a ceremony Saturday in St. Peter's Basilica to formally create the 22 cardinals, who include the archbishops of New York, Prague, Hong Kong and Toronto as well as the heads of several Vatican offices. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)AP - Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday brought 22 Catholic churchmen into the elite club of cardinals who will elect his successor, cementing the Italian majority in a future conclave but also giving New York's garrulous archbishop a position of prominence.


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

What's wrong with compromise? | The Business Ethics Blog

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By Lauren | February 17, 2012

Last week, I promised to start dedicating my Friday posts to issues involving social ethics. For my first post in this series, I want to challenge the popular notion that the best way to address a problem is by ?fighting? for a solution. This isn?t just an abstract point. If you listen to the ads supporting the various candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, you?ll hear again and again that each candidate will ?fight? for Republican voters. And it?s not just the GOP that?s into ?fighting? mode. Once the Repbulican candidate has been selected, I guarantee that both he and President Obama will run ads promising to ?fight? for the American people against the demon du jour.

So I have to ask: what?s so noble about fighting? And why has compromise become such a dirty word?

Somehow, we seem to have gotten the idea that principled people can only take hard-line positions, and that anyone who compromises has somehow abdicated the high road. That certainly seems to be the way things go in Congress these days. Any legislator who agrees to meet opponents halfway can count on taking a beating on the grounds that she?s ?flipflopped? or failed to stand up for what he believes in. Trouble is, when people who are elected to solve problems each retreat to the ends of their respective political spectra and dig in their heels, nothing gets done. Situations deteriorate, fingers start pointing, ugly accusations get made, and the common good goes unprotected.

By contrast, when political opponents compromise and cooperate, great things can get done. For example, the United Egg Producers and the Humane Society have long been at loggerheads over the size of the cages that industrial egg farms use. HSUS has long argued that the cramped cages are inhumane, while the egg industry insisted that small cages kept their costs down. The two sides could have kept fighting - and paying their lobbyists - for decades. Instead, HSUS and the United Egg Producers met together and agreed to propose legislation that would replace the tiny, traditional cages with more comfortable facilities over a period of fifteen years. Did either side get everything it wanted? No, but they both got enough of what they wanted to be able to present federal lawmakers with a single, reasonable proposal. If the law passes, real progress will have been made without leaving either side defeated, bitter and looking for payback.

Don?t get me wrong. I think it?s a mistake to yield on points of fundamental principle. But I also think it?s wrong to demonize people whose reasonable opinions differ from mine, or to insist on getting everything if it means leaving someone else with nothing. There?s nothing noble about acheiving victory by beating the heck out of somebody else. Instead of electing representatives who promise to fight for our values, how about choosing people who promise to work cooperatively to achieve the best result for everyone concerned? We can keep fighting amongst ourselves, or we can look for ways to cooperate. So, folks, how do we really want to live?

Topics: Personal Ethics, Presidential Campaign, Social Ethics, ethics |



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