Oct. 3, 2011 7:23 am
Failing a certification exam can be a disheartening and emotionally draining experience. You go into the testing center nervous, but confident, and walk out deflated and upset. It is an experience that many of us in the field of Information Technology know all too well. While it can render a blow to your confidence and self esteem, failing a certification exam can become a positive experience...? Read?More
Sep. 29, 2011 7:46 am
Quite often, when traveling on business, your mind shifts into ?work mode? the moment you pass through airport security or adjust the mirrors on your rental car. You become focused on the project, or if homeward bound, on finally making it to your front door. Once accustomed to traveling, it can become ?second nature? for an IT consultant, a set of steps that are seemingly followed subconsciously...? Read?More
Sep. 23, 2011 11:20 am
We are just a week away from the month of October, and October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). The goal of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, conducted every October since 2004 and sponsored by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), is to improve cyber security posture and preparedness, and to encourage everyone to protect their networks and our nation?s critical...? Read?More
Sep. 19, 2011 10:40 am
?If an individual wants to be a leader and isn't controversial, that means he never stood for anything.? This quote by President Richard Nixon touches on one of the less appealing aspects of being a leader . Controversy is never easy, and supporting controversial ideas or opinions is often met with the slings and arrows of those that despise change, fear the future, and worry that their...? Read?More
Sep. 15, 2011 10:37 pm
Apparently, Netflix's decision to raise prices by as much as 60 percent is turning into a ? horror show " for the company. Who thought otherwise? A 60 percent rise in price, or a 50 percent cut in service, either way you look at it this was a critical mistake for Netflix. Netflix's stock price is down more than 40 percent compared to where it stood before the company announced the higher pricing...? Read?More
Sep. 15, 2011 10:16 pm
In the world of Information Technology, there is a vast difference between someone who is a manager and someone who is a leader . A manager is a person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. A leader, on the other hand, embodies the inspiration and motivation of the team. He or she is the...? Read?More
Sep. 14, 2011 5:50 pm
While traveling has always been a relatively stressful experience, in the past several years there have been many changes that negatively impact the travel experience and drive up stress levels. Increased airport security, major road construction, and even changing weather patterns have made the business travel experience, well, an experience. When traveling for business, there are a variety of...? Read?More
Sep. 10, 2011 10:10 am
As reported across several media outlets , a group of so-called hackers, calling themselves the ?Script Kiddies?, successfully hacked the Twitter account of NBC News . In a public display of pure ignorance, the hackers began posting news updates of a new terrorist attack involving aircraft hijackings, and planes hitting the Ground Zero site in New York City. This group, purportedly an offshoot...? Read?More
Sep. 9, 2011 6:12 pm
United States House of Representatives members are readying a series of cybersecurity bills that are designed to enhance security on several fronts, including toughening law enforcement, assigning responsibility to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for federal IT and critical infrastructure security, and to lessen legal liability for private organizations that adhere to security best...? Read?More
Sep. 8, 2011 7:49 pm
This evening, I ran across a reference to an article entitled, ? Four Things I Want You to Remember Me By ? , where author Clif Reichard lays out the professional traits he wants to be remembered for as he prepares to retire. In the article, Clif explains why he lives by the mantra ?ethics, customers, profit. Don't forget that,? and other self-imposed rules that governed his life and career. ...? Read?More
Sep. 7, 2011 3:25 pm
How large is your digital footprint? If you pulled together your email account, web site, blog, social networking accounts, and every other virtual identity you have online, just how well known are you on the Internet? Have you ever stopped to consider what happens to your online identity when you die? How would your online friends know? What would happen to your accounts and your content? As...? Read?More
Sep. 6, 2011 2:06 pm
I ran across a CNNMoney article today detailing the fallout from Google?s decision to shutter a popular game, SuperPoke! Pets . What caught my attention was the estimated $650 million in real cash that will be spent this year to purchase virtual goods as part of online games. Admittedly, over the years I?ve spent my share of real cash for virtual goods in online games, including World of...? Read?More
Sep. 6, 2011 8:45 am
As anyone in the Information Technology consultancy field will know, traveling is part of the game. Some of us travel locally, and some of us travel nationally. Either way, we all spend a good amount of time in a plane, train, or automobile, moving to or from a client site. When accounting for this time, whether for client billing or time tracking purposes, our travel time is usually allocated as...? Read?More
Sep. 5, 2011 8:15 am
It is no secret that cyber attacks are growing in complexity and severity. In August of this year, a malware-powered cyber-reconnaissance attack, dubbed Operation Shady RAT, was reported by McAfee. The cyber attack had been ongoing since 2006, and claimed victims across a wide spectrum of Internet connected organizations, including government agencies in the United States, Canada, and South...? Read?More
Aug. 30, 2011 9:17 am
According to a joint survey by the University of Pennsylvania and University of California-Berkeley, 84% of consumers object to being tracked online, with many seeing it as a violation of their online privacy. With that type of user feedback, it is not surprising that this week?s launch of a ?Do Not Track? option by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) was met with staunch criticism by...? Read?More
Aug. 29, 2011 5:21 pm
I?m a fan of small airports. When you travel often as an IT consultant, you look for every timesaver and meager benefit you can find. Small airports tend to provide the essentials all wrapped up in a neat little building that makes it easy to get in and get out. Outagamie County Airport (ATW) in Appleton, Wisconsin is one of those airports. If you are visiting a client site in northeastern...? Read?More
Aug. 26, 2011 5:22 pm
There has been a lot of discussion lately concerning Internet security and privacy, spurred on by what seems like an almost daily occurrence of web site hacking and the loss of confidential data. Medical facilities, private industry, and governments alike struggle to come to grips with new methods of cyber crime and cyber terrorism. While the majority of cyber attacks are carried out by amateur...? Read?More
Aug. 25, 2011 7:06 pm
I?m not much of a gamer, and I typically spend little time reading up on video game news. When I read the news story about GameStop opening manufacturer-sealed video game boxes to remove a competitors coupon, I have to say that it did upset me. It amazes me that a vendor would employ such an unprofessional practice to prevent a competitor from doing business. After the news broke, gamers began...? Read?More
Aug. 23, 2011 9:06 pm
A relatively new hacker web site has cropped up, but this time it?s less about hacking and more about competition? sort of. RankMyHack.com is a web site where hackers can compete amongst one another for ranking as the top hacker. This is accomplished by earning points for the number and size of the success hacks attributed to the hacker. The web site tracks confirmed hacks, awards points, and...? Read?More
Aug. 23, 2011 3:35 pm
As more incidents of hacking, theft, and data loss make the headlines this week, the question remains as to who is responsible for the lapses in Internet security that make it seemingly easy to commit these types of cyber crime. Whether it be the public or private sector organization that was targeted, a government body, an Internet Service Provider, or the throngs of Internet users and consumers...? Read?More
Source: http://www.bestthinking.com/thinkers/computers_and_technology/internet/internet_infrastructure/mike-dailey?tab=blog&item=14309
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